Getting Started
We provide the expertise, training, and resources to support a variety of youth-serving initiatives. Examples of how we help include but are not limited to:
Starting a youth mentoring program
Improving mentor recruitment practices
Delivering comprehensive mentor training
Strengthening volunteer screening and safety measures
Program planning and sustainable development
Program evaluation and enhancements using the National Quality Mentoring System (NQMS)
No-cost Support
Don't let funding be a barrier to working with us. We offer no-cost consulting to eligible organizations, as technical assistance providers with the National Mentoring Resources Center (NMRC)*. How to apply:
Reach out to determine if your organization is eligible.
Watch this tutorial to learn more about the application process.
Submit your request. We're happy to walk you through it!
MENTOR will review your request. Once approved, you'll be ready to start accessing our no-cost services.

Ensuring Quality
For mentors, parents, mentees, and funders, it can be tough to know which mentoring programs are both safe and effective. That's why MENTOR and its affiliates developed the National Quality Mentoring System (NQMS). The system gives you a clear way to evaluate program practices—ensuring they meet high-quality standards—while providing the necessary guidance to help you make ongoing improvements.
We're proud to partner with

*MENTOR New York is an affiliate of MENTOR: The National Mentoring Partnership and an official Technical Assistance Provider of the National Mentoring Resource Center, a project of MENTOR and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.